Waiting for the Perfect Post

15 Nov

“If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured, it may never arrive. Mountains will not be climbed, races won, or lasting happiness achieved.”
~Maurice Chevalier

I have been discussing with my friend for awhile now about starting a blog. I’ve always liked to write, and in one of my classes this semester my professor encouraged us to buy journals and write daily. While I was fairly unsuccessful keeping up with that journal, I liked the idea of writing my daily musing down somewhere. Anyone who knows me, knows I tend to have a lot to say! Creating a place where I could put these thoughts down sounded ideal.

About a month ago I created my blog page. And it has taken me since then to get to my first post. It started off as wanting to make sure I had the perfect design. The perfect layout. The perfect quote. Even as I finally got to the point where I felt my page was to my liking, I hesitated because I wanted the perfect first post.

But what was I really waiting for? How often do I put something off waiting for the perfect moment, only to see that moment slip on by? How often am I too scared to seize the moment or opportunity because I am uncertain of what may or may not happen? How often has the fear of failure stopped me from seizing my moment? How often has the fear of not being perfect caused me to miss out on what could very well have been near perfect?

There are no perfect moments in life. There are only the moments that make up your life. The good, the bad, the wonderful, the terrible, the unforgetable. So instead of waiting for the perfect moment to start living, I am going to start living for every moment. These moments may not be perfect, but they will be mine.



Posted by on November 15, 2011 in Uncategorized


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3 responses to “Waiting for the Perfect Post

  1. Susan Grochan

    November 16, 2011 at 10:24 am

    Wow Elizabeth good first post.

  2. Naomi Corneal

    November 16, 2011 at 12:00 pm

    Yes, indeed, life is what you make of it. You either live it to the fullest or you watch it pass you by. I, like you, feel it is better to participate in one’s life rather than be an observer. However, it isn’t always easy to take the leap and follow your desires as you are always worrying about what may (or may not) happen along your journey. Just remember, life is just that, a journey. A journey that will have detours, hills and valleys and obtacles along the way. A journey that at times may be overwhelming, but a journey well worth the trip. Elizabeth, your mom was correct, you are a talented writer and I hope you will follow through, take that journey and continue to write

  3. photocrazy81

    November 16, 2011 at 3:46 pm

    Ahhh! I love your first post! This could be the beginning of something quite beautiful my dear! 😀 Time to hit the follow button for your blog… and maybe I should update mine since its been a while. lol.


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