No…Seriously…Where does it Go!

18 Dec
No…Seriously…Where does it Go!

“I hate to lose anything. I don’t like to lose anything cause… Where is it? See that’s basically the part that bothers me the most. I’m a practical guy… Where is it? “I just had it!” You know that feeling? “It was just here!” Where is it? “I don’t know.” it’s gone. “That’s true.” It’s lost. “That’s right”. Where could it be? “Could be anywhere”. Not here. “No, we know that”. Maybe it’ll come back. “Maybe but not yet.” There are some things, I don’t even care if I get them back, I just want to know where they went.”

~George Carlin

I was actually in the middle of working on another post, when I noticed my lips were dry. So I go look in my cubby here at work for my chapstick. And you know what was there? Nothing! I also know there isn’t any in my car, even though I distinctly remember having some there a few days ago, because I was looking for it on the way into work. That chapstick I bought the other day and threw into my purse…not there anymore. And I know I had some in my apartment, but when I was looking for it last night, couldn’t find it. I mean really, where does the missing chapstick go!

It got me thinking about all those other things that go missing, never to be seen again. Some of these items…

-Socks…really, you take them off at the same time, probably put them in the washer at the same time. So where does the other sock go

-Pens…It was right here just a second ago…

-Sunglasses…If I dare spend more than $10 on a pair I can guarantee I will lose them with a week.

Chapstick…Ahhh the lost item that go me thinking.

And where exactly do they go? I would predict that last time I checked I had 5 chapsticks, and they all are gone. Logically, they have to be somewhere, so shouldn’t SOMEONE stumble upon them? Yet I rarely see these frequently lost items that I know people routinely lose. Are they just sitting in a pile somewhere? Did they fall through some kind of black hole? A space pocket? Invisible one footed aliens? (seriously this would explain the missing socks) At this point I’d probably believe anything.

There could be a subcategory to this, those things you misplace CONSTANTLY yet can usually find. I can’t even begin to count how many times I have misplaced my keys, USB Drive, phone, camera, TV remote, and video game controller. I know I had them moments before, but then they are gone and so starts the frustrated hunt for these misplaced items, that you usually find in either the oddest place, or the place you swear you already checked.

Of course then you have to consider the items you do come across, that makes you wonder how someone lost that? For me it is shoes. I could understand seeing the random shoe someone lost once or twice. In fact here at the hotel, someone turned in a missing shoe to us, but that makes sense. More than likely someone dropped it while transporting their luggage. But what about those single shoes lying on the side of the road. I see these all the time, and really, was the person hanging their feet out the window and oops! Their shoe fell off…

As George Carlin says, it isn’t even that you lost the items. It’s the confusion of Seriously! Where did it go!


George Carlin: Losing Things video

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Posted by on December 18, 2011 in Uncategorized


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One response to “No…Seriously…Where does it Go!

  1. dianagarner

    January 6, 2012 at 11:38 am

    Every time I see chapstick I now think of you 🙂 You know what I tend to lose a lot? My keys, especially in my purse. I dig through that thing looking for them and I think to myself “Where can they be, my purse is just not that big?!”. Then I look everywhere else until all of my options are exhausted and I have no choice but to check my purse again for the umpteenth time, and lo and behold there they are, mocking me for spending so much time searching for them when they were waiting ever so patiently for me in the very first place I looked. Good grief. Lol


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